Monday, December 1, 2008

Do you think Plax has seen this?

A video of a policeman doing a demonstration on gun safety in front of a class of students that goes horribly awry.


petunia politik said...
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petunia politik said...


on your prior post, you wax poetic in adoring tones of worship as you revel in the marvel that is known as big blue. and then, the revelry is lost as the name of plax rears its glock toting head in the land of reviled, suspended players. for the loyal g-men fan(atic)s, may we remind you that 11-1 is no small feat, and hixon is an oh so admirable fit, eh? whilst plax, tiki, and shockey have all moved on to the land of misfits, the giants will be humble and gracious whilst accepting their second consecutive superbowl trophy. we welcome your support:)